Restricted Area trekking…when the earth kisses the sky…
If you are wishing to get well off the beaten track you may wish to consider a journey to some of the fascinating restricted regions of Nepal.
These regions remain pristine wilderness & ecological cultural museums where life has changed very little. An intimate experience of the differing ways people arrange their lives in order to cope with their often harsh physical conditions on some of the toughest terrain on earth. A journey full of questions and contrast awaits everyone who visits this side of Nepal.
Some of the remote areas of Nepal were restricted for foreign visitors until 1991. After multiparty democracy in Nepal, rules have been changed together with new democratic constitution regulations and opened for visiting the most inaccessible and firmly controlled areas in Nepal. The regulation is designed primarily to protect the environment and cultural aspects of the remote regions and provide security and safety for both foreign trekkers and Nepal's northern borders with China.
The treks must be fully arranged through a registered Trekking Company. It has to be fully equipped with tents, all Support staffs, cooks, etc. The trekking agency arranges the trekking permit through a series of applications and guarantee letters. You cannot trek alone in these restricted areas. You should be at least 2 people in the group. Each group is accompanied with a government environmental officer. The environmental officer has to handle all the formalities with the police and government offices en-route.
EncountersNepal has a decade of experience in operating in restricted zones & we will arrange all your trek formalities & logistics for some of the most challenging & thrilling adventures in the great outback of Nepal.